The Best of The Northwest is coming up in just a couple of weeks, March 26th & 27th... I gotta get to work! Any suggestions of what you'd like to see me do?
A couple of weeks ago, my friend Carol Davies called me up and asked me if I'd be willing to create a prop for the Edmonds School District musical. They're doing Disney's "Aladdin" (it seems like everyone is doing Disney's "Aladdin" this year... in fact, Edmonds is so fond of the idea, they're doing it in two different schools with two different casts! Meadowdale Middle School This weekend! Edmonds Elementary Anyway, I needed to make the staff for Jafar, the bad guy... remember him? So I grabbed a broomstick, some wire, a gallon of Elmer's Glue, Reynolds Wrap, some paper towels and newsprint, and a little polymer clay and went to work! But, of course it needed to be gold, so I had to make a trip to Lowe's for some spray paint... Instant Evil! Good Luck, Everybody!
This week, I had one of the best part time jobs in the world... teaching stage combat to a bunch of kids in a summer program. I had done it last summer and like last summer it was challenging and fun and over waaay too fast. Eleven kids, eight to twelve years old and five three hour sessions, to give them some knowledge of stage combat and physical comedy. They were total kids... silly, spastic, charming, needy, unbelievably creative, completely exhausting. Awkward, beautiful, fragile, clumsy, glorious kids. The first day of the session I asked them to write their names on pieces of paper, so that i could take mugshots of them and hopefully get some idea of their personalities and imaginations. Best idea I've had in a while... I had kids who knew each other, kids who hung out together, kids who'd never met before. It's amazing how fast they make friends with each other. I came in that first day and started tossing around some basketballs, hoping they might play. I shouldn...
"You have the right to remain happy" In the history of costume, has there ever been anyone as gleefully out there as Carmen Miranda? I know Lady Gaga is going for the outlandish these days, but there's something really disturbing about her look sometimes.And Elton John in his prime went for the car, but he'd do the full body duck suit and other conceptual marvels. Ms. Miranda just needed a bunch of bananas and something to hold them to her head. She'd slap that fruit on, match it with a sexy dress and sell it all through the sheer force of her talent and personality. I have to respect that . "You have the right to remain happy" appears courtesy of The Douglass-Geer Collection.
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